Sex Chat with Pappu & Papa trailer is funny!
of the most awkward topics for any parent is to answer their kids’
various…erm…uncomfortable questions. From children posing risqué
questions to neighbours to asking random things at the most
inappropriate time, parents have seen it all.
Perhaps that's why they would be able to enjoy Y Films' latest offering Sex Chat with Pappu and Papa.
He trailer is not just hilarious, but also a reflection of our times
where we shy away from talking openly with our offspring, while we don't
bother when they use technologies to satisfy their curiosity.
trailer opens with a sweet and delightful bonding between a father and
son. Whether it's them playing on the beach or indulging in various fun
activities together, Pappu and his Papa are definitely a team. All that
changes when Pappu starts questioning his papa about things that are
rather difficult to be answered. The crazy and quirky moments make up
the crust of the tale.
Sex Chat with Pappu & Papa is a
5-part fictional digital series dealing with information across
different themes related to sex / sexuality. From masturbation &
periods to condoms, pregnancy and homosexuality, there's plenty to be
learnt a clean, decent manner.
The characters-the
Watsa's aka Papa Anand Watsa (Anand Tiwari), Pappu (Kabir Sajid), Daddu
Vishwanath Watsa (Sachin Pilgaonkar) Mamma Shireen Shaikh Watsa
(Sanjeeda Shaikh), and Dadi Usha Watsa (Alka Amin)- add their bit to the
madness and find ways to solve Pappu's ever-evolving questions. They do
get rattled by his innocence, but pick themselves up and solve his
queries in the most natural ways possible.
“read more”
Producer and director by Ashish Patil and written by Devang Kakkad and Gopal Datt, the sex chats begin this July. Arre, isme sharma ne ki Kya baat hai?!
Sex Chat with Pappu & Papa, Trailer, funny, Anand Tiwari, Kabir Sajid, Sachin Pilgaonkar, Sanjeeda Shaikh, Alka Amin, director Ashish Patil, Devang Kakkad, Gopal Datt, Y films,